Wednesday, March 5, 2008

On being a mommy

It's amazing how much being a mommy can change the way you think about things. We have tickets to a local David Crowder concert for Saturday and I'm dreading it about as much as I'm looking forward to it. It means being away from my precious baby for about three hours and missing one of her feedings, which makes me sad. Yes, we had to give her bottles of pumped milk early on because of some feeding difficulties, but she hasn't had a bottle in six or seven weeks now and the idea of giving her one again is making me cringe even though I know it's fine to do now. Somehow I feel like I'm abandoning my role as primary caregiver and primary feeder or something. I feel like I'm abandoning her, which is just silly. She will be with her grandma and she will have a grand time, I know. And just maybe that's what I fear -- that she will have a grand time without me and won't need me at all...

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