Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Gestational diabetes

I swear, this pregnancy has been one long drama. Last week, the doctor I saw said I was measuring 2-3 weeks behind and so he ordered another ultrasound to measure the baby that way. I wasn't really worried because this happened with Ashlinn and everything turned out fine. Using a measuring tape to my stomach is not exactly the most accurate way to make sure the baby is growing on schedule, and the baby's position during the measuring often affects how big my stomach is at the moment. So I had the ultrasound today and, again, everything was fine. I'm not complaining though--I got new pictures of the baby, so that was nice.

On the other hand, I also took my glucose test today and failed miserably. My blood sugar level was 186, and they like to see it below 130. So now I have to take the 3-hour test. Great. For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of taking a glucose screening test, let me tell you how much fun it is. You get to drink this orange soda-like substance that has 50 grams of glucose in it. You have to drain it within 5 minutes and then come back an hour later for blood work to determine how well your body broke down the glucose during that time. You cannot eat or drink anything else (including water) until after you've had your blood drawn. Sounds fun, right?

Well, the 3-hour test is tons more fun. You get to fast for 12 hours, go to the lab and have your blood drawn, and then drink the soda substance with 100 grams of glucose in it this time. Then you get to have your blood drawn again an hour later, then again an hour after that, and then yet again an hour after that. Of course, you still can't eat or drink anything else until after you've finished the last round of blood work. So you get to slam your body with sugar after fasting for a long time and then have blood drawn several times and still stay away from any food or drink for three more hours. I can hardly wait...

If this next test shows that I do have gestational diabetes, I will probably get to cut most of my favorite foods from my diet for the rest of the pregnancy. Sigh. Of course, I will do whatever I must to take care of this little one. I'm just throwing my own little pity party here, don't mind me... ;)

1 comment:

Film Child said...

You're such a trooper, Hannah ;)
(sound familiar?)